Friday, 26 March 2010

BoTIK Speaks: Some more ranting... plain and simple

My People,

Well I was about to post a very special edition of BoTik Speaks video blog on this here interweb…. but unfortunately my computer has decided to be an ass-bag today and refrain from recording sound. Due to this, I go back to the ancient skill of writing…something I have always enjoyed and probably more palatable for my viewers (you didn’t really want to listen to my rambly lips flapping for 9 minutes anyways, did you?).
So I’ve been receiving a lot of comments and request for UPDATES, which I have been quite neglectful towards. YES yes yes! Here we go! So Last time we checked in I believe I was vomiting up pizza school…since then things didn’t get much better with my health. I received bronchitis (probably from slapping hands with so many grimy students). Regardless, I lost my voice for a couple of days. This was not fun. Actually kind of depressing. Losing one’s voice can be quite disturbing…particularly for someone like me who could talk until the end of time. Not to mention I love to sing and am now a teacher. So, losing my voice was quite horrific, honestly. Who are we without our voices anyways? Jeez I would hate to be a mute (no offense to mutes). I spent a good part of the last week not talking, while students acted like freekin nutcases …. I played the sword and the stone and Madagascar. Not too shabby. I am quite stubborn, you know. I really didn’t want to go to the hospital, against my fellow teachers recommendations, and I stayed home all last weekend pent up in the house with no voice (aside from the Haiti Benefit concert and the hike up to the Beomosa Temple, AHHH I’m bad). But really now! I hate prescription drugs and usually would inundate my body with mass garlic and tea (which is always good practice, though slack sometimes), however, my school said I could watch movies in class because I was sick. SO I HAD to go to the hospital. I’m a whore…I gave into the movie ploy…and also the fact that I couldn’t talk. Not good…really not good.
But, This week was great. I’m really tapping into the children now! They are crazy! I am crazy! Really a perfect match! The kids are completely insane…they might even give me a run for my money. I’m pretty high energy and I like to keep it that way. James Brown, Barry White, Pee-Wee, and even the Village People have all made appearances in class via you tube. We dance the “Cabbage Patch” and the “Stanky Leg”I even got to do and after school class on what it is to be a gangsta rapper in America. The after school class is sweet. I basically have free reign to teach whatever I want. I can do anything to get the students to learn more about western culture and use their English. I’m also planning on doing some health classes and music classes! Finally the ability to mold minds!!!
YEAH! But enough about me what about OBAMA!!! Health care wooo hooo! Let me know how that works out, Of course the second I leave the U.S. something like this happens. I’m glad and all but nothing is going to change Americas healthcare better than Americans changing their diets. JEEZ! America for the most part is full of a bunch of filthy pigs eating a bunch of filthy pigs. I don’t need to say much or argue this point because it is so blatantly obvious why American health as a whole is so bad. YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT!! At least realize that and know it. I know every time I eat some piece of shit food that I am coming to closer to turning into a piece of shit myself. SO ENJOY!!! I’m really glad that everyone is getting healthcare now. BUT PLEASE, also enjoy all that rotting animal flesh sitting in you intestines and bowels, and all the other shitty bullshit that you’ve been eating. ENJOY!!! Holla at me with a heart attack in 35 years, I’ll gladly pay for it….not!!! On that note… peace, love and scuzz. For now I sit here on this cool night in Busan, awaiting tomorrow and drinking a lovely CASS ale the self proclaimed, “sound of vitality”. Don’t worry I still love you even if you’re a sleazy eater. I’m just overall sleazy so what am I talking about. I just don’t love your heart attacks (says the man drinking Cass Fresh). Oh the irony!


Pss: to tired. Not time for grammar and punctuation at this hour.

Love ya,



Thursday, 11 March 2010

BoTik Does Busan: Doing it, you know... from Joshua Bennett on Vimeo.

Listen here!

It’s been a long day. And, it’s only Monday. I can’t really understand how the days pass by so slowly yet so fast. Recently, particularly after graduating form college , the days, weeks, months, and years just seem to fly. I know it sounds cheesy and everyone has probably thought this., but really…isn’t it odd? One time someone wrote in the corner of on of my many many notebooks “Sun passes, time fades”. This could be a famous quote and I wouldn’t know it, but these have always stuck to me. This romantic concept that just as the sun rises and falls, time too rises, falls…. and after all…. passes. Though is it not also amazing that as quickly as months and years pass, sometimes it seems like a day can drag on forever? A period of time can be painful and agonizing and certainly not quick. The term quick and painless never seems to apply to mentally draining times. Why does this feel bittersweet? Sun passing, time fading. Why is nostalgia and reflection something that brings a lump to the throat or a tear to the eye…most likely along with a laugh and a smile? (whooooa! I'm getting sappy here)And, ultimately why do some of us strive for change while other settle? Is a seed to a rambling’ man (or woman) as a tree is to a settled person with a family? I know, I know lots of questions. But, really now, these are unanswerable questions that are at the core of what drive humanity. While some abandon concepts of love for personal growth…others embrace and grow with another. Can one be without the other?

It’s trippy to me here and now…still feeling like a kid myself yet being in charge of children, They respect me simply because I am an adult. Of course I am an adult. I have a job, pay bills, travel about, make my own decisions…. all the things that all responsible adult members of society. Yet I still feel like a kid. Not in the immature way…more like the sick funny way. When I teach I really don’t feel that much older than any of my student. I realize there is huge self-sufficiency gap, but we still laugh at the same jokes. I still think it’s funny when I ask them to draw a picture of something they like and they draw some boobs or a chicken taking a crap. I mean how is that not funny? When will that not be funny. You’d have to be a total square to not think that’s funny…especially in that context. Hey! As long as they can explain what they saying in plain English…I don’t really see a problem with that. I’m teaching English here …not manners. And, I certainly am no Ms. Manners either. It’s funny because I’m respected due to my label…maybe my suit…but really I’m just a goofy jew in a pimp suit stylin out in a classroom. It’s all part of my freaky dream. It’s just one big funky ass dream that has me laughing inside almost the whole time. Not goona lie, it’s hard work. But, I get paid biayatches, hahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!

Friday, 5 March 2010

Here we go....First week of school!!

So here some stream of conciousness. I haven't had a decent internet connection sice I've got here and really little to no time to update this thing in a timely manner. But! I see it as my duty to inform all of my lovely followers out there with some sort of status of my whereabouts and wellbeing. I live in Busan (also spelled Pusan) in and area called Haeundae-gu. this is basically the most ballin' (affulent for those seasonsed reader out there) areas in Busan. It's only a short walk to the beach. Which is nice. The air quality is poor...but I haven't really been anywhere in Korea yet where the airquality is great. My apartment is sweet on the 16th floor of this highrise called the Sun Plaze, it's kind of finky and I imagine one of the cheaper places to live in Haeundae for the hallways are grimey and kind of smell like fermented Kimchi. these are not negatives, simply what Korea smelmls like. It's smells like digestested pickled.... whatever. Overall this place is sweet. The apartment is decent with two room a kitche living room and a patio...not too bad. Since Haeundae-gu is the beacy ballin' touristy area the drinks are a bit more expensive depending on where youm go. there a few "foreigner bars" around here that I have generally avoided considering their high priced alcohol and lack of asians. I prefer to shop for my booze in the store. They have 7-11 here, G24, and Buy the way as their main holes of convienience paraphanalia. this is a convieniece store nation from what I can tell. People love the convenience store here. Except there are no OE's and you have better luck getting soju (their rice alcohol which will run you a 1000 won) Than a 40 of Cass or Hite (runs you about 5000 won). be continured